'Fore' Get Me Not Golf

We are proud to be the first club in Norfolk to provide 'Fore' Get Me Not Golf dementia support sessions.

‘Fore’ Get Me Not Golf was the idea of Tony Pennock, Club Manager and Professional at Seckford Golf Club in Suffolk and Wendy Chard from Home Instead. It is an initiative that sees people who have previously played golf and are living with dementia, their partners or carers to meet once a month to have a cup of tea, socialise, play games, and maybe hit a few balls. Each person attending will be accompanied by an experienced golf volunteer.

The sessions are free of charge and all equipment is provided.

For more information, or for details of how you can help, please contact Sarah Wicks 07833107582 wicks142@btinternet.com or Stuart Goodman on 01362 695900 office@derehamgolfclub.com.
Alternatively please use the contact form below

"Fore" Get Me Not Golf Sessions in 2024

All Sesssions will be on a Thursday, between 2pm - 4pm:
15th February
21st March
18th April
16th May
20th June
18th July
15th August
19th September
24th October
21st November
19th December

Upcoming Events

* Friday 3rd May 2024
Charity Golf Day in aid of 'Fore' Get Me Not Golf
Sponsorship opportunities available.

Past Events

* Sunday 12th November:
9 Hole Texas Scramble Fundraiser.
Prizes kindly donated by Club President Ray Wicks

A great day was had by all, and the scoring was just as great with the top three teams covered by just 0.5 - and 5(!) countbacks needed

More details here:https://www.derehamgolfclub.com/club-news


Dereham Golf Club, Quebec Road, Dereham, NR19 2DS

01362 695900